Sector-Specific Treatment Plant Problems


– Precipitation and dewatering problems due to excessive amount of TSS,
– Inability to remove the remaining turbidity in the water that is caused by the polishing plant
– Not being able to reduce the zinc to the desired limit values in line with the discharge criteria


– Color parameter in discharge criteria not being always kept below the desired limit values
– Problems caused by Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the biological aeration pools caused by chemical feeding values
– Failure to achieve desired COD limit values only with biological treatment
– Problems in bacterial pools due to high pH value on the input
– Failure to achieve the desired quality of the water obtained from water recovery
– Frequent foam problems in bacteria aeration pools
– The TSS value being above the discharge criteria due to the failure to achieve the desired speed of bacteria precipitation in the biological settling pools

Chicken / Slaughterhouse

– Failure to achieve the proper pH value for the correct wastewater treatment
– Problems encountered while removing the oil contaminant of the water from the system
– Problems caused by the use of FeCl3 and Aluminum Sulphate resulting with the need for chemicals to deal with problems such as corrosion, high sludge output, pH adjustment
– Bacteria deaths and odor problems in biological treatment
– Sludge extraction problems depending on the age of the bacteria
– Exceeding the discharge parameters for not being able to achieve the desired speed in bacterial precipitation in biological precipitation ponds
– Sludge not meeting the desired dryness in the sludge dewatering system

Paint and Chemical Industry;

– High increase in COD due to solvent, formaldehyde etc. based leaks coming into wastewater treatment
– High sludge output due to high TSS and inadequate sludge dewatering speed of dewatering equipment
– Uncontrolled pH and the use of too much pH regulating chemicals originating from FeCl3 and Aluminum Sulphate, which lower the pH.
– Inability to reach the desired dryness for the sludge
– Capacity reduction, freezing and congestion problems in balancing and other pool lines due to petrification problems caused by wastewater
– Foaming problem that cannot be resolved
– The water obtained from water recovery not being of the quality to be used in production


– Due to the differences in the waste paper entering the production, very versatile waste water entry to the treatment plant and high COD problems
– Where the chemical treatment system does not work properly due to high COD and TSS leaks;
– The formation of unwanted bacteria species resulting in the biological treatment efficiency decreases,
– Odor problems
– Inability to remove concentrated pollution in recirculation waters from the system
– Failure to get the desired dryness of sludge at the desired speed in the sludge dewatering system which causes; TSS leaks from the settling ponds; sludge escaping from the sludge thickening pools to the system; and increased pollution load in the balancing pools
– Not using the right products in sludge dewatering equipment filtrate water causing increased amount of TSS returns to the system and increased pollution load of the balancing pool

Food (Oil + Milk)

– The problem of high COD and Oil in the water entering the treatment facility;
– Failure to float sludge in DAF systems and problems in removing pollution from water with scraper systems,
– Exceeding the discharge criteria limit values due to decrease in biological treatment efficiency due to TSS leakages and problems in biological precipitation.
– Problems caused by the use of FeCl3 and Aluminum Sulphate resulting with the need for chemicals to deal with problems such as corrosion, high sludge output, pH adjustment
– Failure to determine the correct pH value for treatment
– Not being able to obtain the desired sludge dryness and filtrate water quality in the sludge dewatering system

Aluminum and Metal Industry;

– Wastewater sources at different pH’s causing problems in the balancing pool and lines
– Usage of large amounts of pH regulating acid and caustic
– Large amount of sludge build-up
– Inability to remove Cr+6
– Problems in the entire system discharge criteria due to the lack of the use of equipment and products required for oil removal
– Failure to meet the required standards for heavy metal removal
– Problems encountered in lowering high COD value
– Not being able to reduce Sulfate in the wastewater to the discharge criteria limit values

Alcoholic Beverage;

– High TSS and COD problems caused by living microorganisms entering the facility
– Increasing TSS leaks in biological systems and system inefficiency due to precipitation problems in chemical and biological treatments,
– Failure to achieve the desired removal efficiencies of biological treatment in aerobic and anaerobic systems
– Not being able to continuously meet the conditions required for the biological environment such as pH, TSS and COD.

Organized Industrial Zone Treatment Plants;

– The treatment recipes are not prepared separately in-line with the wastewater characteristics, due to the rapid character change of the wastewater entering the treatment facility; hence, the desired water pollution values for biological treatment not being achieved by the chemical treatment.
– Failure to obtain the desired sludge dryness in sludge dewatering systems